With lambing well underway for some and just starting for others, it’s imperative to make sure you have all the tools you need for a smooth-sailing spring!
If you get a spare minute during lambing time, it’s better spent with a cup of tea than dashing to the country store for emergency supplies. It’s worth looking now to check you have everything you need (and it’s all still in date!)
Also, if you haven’t already, don’t forget to Heptavac-P all the ewes 4-6 weeks before their expected due date.
Tool kit:
- Calciject 5 40 CM (red top)
- Glucose 50% for injection
- Metacam 20 mg/ml injectable
- Pen & Strep
- Wormer for ewes – Group1, 2 or 3 depending on farm history / previous resistance testing
- 10% iodine (spirit based) for lamb navels
- Terramycin spray
- Stock markers
- Syringes – 2.5ml, 5ml, 20ml
- Needles – 21G 5/8 inch and 20G 1 inch
- Powdered colostrum and milk, jug and whisk
- Lamb stomach tube and syringe
- Bottles and teats
- Heat lamp(s)
- Lubricant
- Long plastic disposable gloves – optional, saves scrubbing your arms between every ewe!
- Lambing ropes – several sets so can be washed and disinfected between ewes
- Prolapse spoons
- High energy, high magnesium lick blocks
- Elastrator bands and applicator
- Towels

Indoor lambing flocks:
- Good quality hay and straw (no mould)
- Lots of water buckets
- Disinfectant for pens (Virkon or FAM)
- Vet student?!
Outdoor lambing flocks:
- Indoor “sick pen” for ewes and lambs needing extra TLC
- Functional quad-bike, shepherds crook and well-behaved sheep dog
- Caffeine and biscuits!

Get in touch
As always, we are here if you need us. Please call us on 01825 864268 at any time of the day if you are worried.