Following a confirmed case of Highly pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) or ‘Bird Flu’ in Rye, East Sussex, bird keepers should remain vigilant for emerging cases within their flocks and the surrounding wildlife.
Bird flu symptoms can be severe resulting in the sudden death of infected birds. Symptoms to be vigilant for are listed below:

• swollen head
• closed and runny eyes
• lethargy and depression
• lying down and unresponsiveness
• lack of coordination
• eating less than usual
• lethargy
• sudden increase or decrease in water consumption
• head and body shaking
• drooping of the wings
• dragging of legs
• twisting of the head and neck
• swelling and blue discolouration of comb and wattles
• haemorrhages and redness on shanks of the legs and under the skin of the neck
If you suspect bird flu in your flock then please report it to the APHA by calling 03000 200 301.
More information can be found at: