We are pleased to say that one of our vets Donal O’Leary is an experienced practitioner in acupuncture and he uses it to treat a number of conditions and patients.
Acupuncture is a branch of ancient Chinese medicine and it involves inserting very fine, thin, stainless steel needles into a patient at precise locations and depths. It is generally very well tolerated by the animal.
It can assist the body to heal itself by affecting certain physiological changes. It can stimulate nerves, increase blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms and cause the release of endorphins.
Acupuncture is now accepted and recognised as effective pain management therapy and to complement more conventional medicine to treat musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, back pain and muscles soreness as well as other painful conditions. It has also been successfully used treat conditions such as gastrointestinal disease, stress related issues and bladder problems.
Most insurance companies are happy to pay for acupuncture treatment if recommended by a vet.
Our receptionists will be able to book you an appointment or Donal will be happy to discuss your pets problems with you to see whether acupuncture would be an appropriate treatment.
The frequency and length of treatment course will vary from case to case but typically a six week of weekly treatments would be recommended.
If you would like to register your pets with us at Fairfield House then please give us a call now, or follow the link to fill in a registration form and one of our friendly members of staff will be in touch.